Skin Care: 5 Tips To Lush And Healthy Skin

Skin Care: 5 Tips To Lush And Healthy Skin

5 Tips To Lush And Healthy Skin - Skin care is one of the important things we have to do. The skin just as the body needs nutritional intake and some care to keep it lush and healthy. But to have a lush and healthy skin should be prefaced with a healthy life patterns.

Skin care and healthy living patterns, can make the skin become lush and healthy. In addition it could delay premature aging. Here are 5 tips to lush and healthy skin:

  1. Protect yourself from the sun

    The sun is one of the most important factors for skin health. Skin need sunlight but not good if excessive. Excessive sunlight can cause the skin to become wrinkled, black flecks on the face, and other skin problems, and could increase the risk of skin cancer.

    Use sunscreen when you're going to do outdoor activities. Try as much as possible to avoid the Sun when at 10: 00-12: 00 a.m. because at that time the sun is shining very strongly and not good for skin health. When you're forced to do activities in the hours, use a protective skin. Like a long sleeved shirt, long pants, and hats too wide.

  2. Do not smoke

    Do you know the dangers of smoking? Smoking can cause a whole range of dangerous diseases. As well as on the skin. Smoking and cigarette smoke is not good for skin health. Smoking can make the skin look older than our real age (wrinkles). Moreover smoking also causes narrowing of the small blood vessels in the outermost layer of the skin so that it decreases the flow of blood. It can be spent of oxygen and essential nutrients are present in the skin so that it makes the skin appear unhealthy.

    Smoke can also damage collagen. In addition, repetitive facial motions made at the time the smoking time, such as when pursing the lips and narrow your eyes can create the wrinkled lines.

    If you are a smoker and wanted a lush and healthy skin, then you should stop for a smoke. Because it is the only way to get lush and healthy skin. To quit smoking, ask how a doctor expert.

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    Drink 8 glasses of water per day

    White water has a very important role for the body. White water benefits not only to meet basic human needs, but water can be used as a therapy for various kinds of diseases. One of them is therapy for skin health. Drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin moist in order to remain lush and healthy. Want skin becomes lush and healthy? drink 8 glasses of water per day.

  4. Consumption of vegetables and fruits

    Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins that are good for skin health. For example, orange. Oranges contain vitamin C which can maintain the health of the skin. In addition vitamin E contained in vegetables are also very beneficial to the body. Therefore, multiply eating vegetables and fruits so that the skin remains lush and healthy.

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  5. Quality and enough Sleep, avoid problems that make you stress

    Time and sleep quality can affect the health of the skin. Lack of quality sleep can cause the skin to be more premature aging. In addition to a lack of sleep can trigger a migraine that can cause stress.

    Uncontrolled stress can make the skin more sensitive and triggering the growth of acne and other skin problems. So lush and healthy skin, it is advisable to take the time to sleep and quality so as not to trigger stress. To encourage healthy skin, keep the mind in a State of healthy. manage stress well so as not to overload and in reasonable limits.

Here are 5 tips to lush and healthy skin. Do it routinely tips to get maximum results. May be useful.

Don't forget to read another article about skincare in here.

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